•Study blueprints and diagrams to determine dimensions of structure or form to be constructed.
•Measure materials or distances, using square, measuring tape, or rule to lay out work.
•Cut or saw boards, gypsum board, plywood, or other materials to required size, using handsaw, power saw, or woodworking machine.
•Assemble and fasten material together, using bolts, nails, or screws.
•Mark cutting lines on materials, using pencil and scriber.
•Erect forms, framework, scaffolds, ladders, hoists, or roof supports, using hand tools, plumb rule, and level.
•Bore bolt holes in timber, masonry, or concrete walls, using power drill.
•Must be willing to learn new skills, as this is intended to be a jack of all trades role.
•Alignment to Clark Standards of Excellence: Self-Motivated, Results Oriented, Adaptable, Team Player, Accountable, Ethical, Innovative, Resilient, Builds Relationships