The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America represents more than a half-million men and women.
The UBC represents one trade with many crafts. Our members touch every aspect of a construction project; they’re frequently first on the job and the last to leave. Carpenters create commercial, residential, and institutional structures through the skill and experience that is established only by union training.
Carpenters measure, saw, level, and fasten wood and other building materials. They install tile and insulation, acoustical ceilings, cabinets, siding, and much more. They work with many tools and materials to build houses, schools, places of worship, and hotels. They erect skyscrapers, hospitals, office buildings, and prisons and construct bridges, tunnels, and highways.
Carpenters make up the largest single group of skilled workers in the country. To be a carpenter is to be a member of one of the oldest and most respected trades in the world, and our varied work today stems from the many products that once were made entirely of wood.
Our members have vastly different skill sets, but they share the pride and commitment to excellence that comes with being part of the Brotherhood.
A Dedication to Training Excellence…Pays Off with Superior Performance
UBC training is the hallmark of our union. Apprentices typically complete four years of study in theory, tools, installation procedures and safety measures before becoming journeymen. We also provide career-long skill upgrade training in both technical and leadership development.
A UBC carpenter or millwright understands that he or she is expected to be productive every day with safe, productive, and accurate work. Our professionals deliver on that reputation so that UBC customers remain competitive and profitable.
The Brotherhood’s International Headquarters is at 101 Constitution Ave., NW, in the heart of Washington, D.C.
For more information, contact:
Carpenters Local #804 – Stevens Point
1630 County Rd. ****, Rothschild, WI 54474
Phone: 715-355-0806 Fax: 715-355-0807
Kyle Alters, Business Manager
Luke Kramer, Business Representative